Philosophy / Vision

We provide responsive service to our dealers.  We function as an extension of the dealership sales staff.  The majority of our time is spent working with our dealer sales people, making calls with them or representing them in front of the end user. Often we are asked to represent the dealership by bringing samples and making presentations on behalf of the dealer.  The ultimate compliment is when a dealer salesperson asks us to make a presentation, on their behalf, to one of their customers. We have built this trust over many years of consistent, trustworthy service.

We are not line gatherers; we keep our line package short and manageable.  This is intentional.  We could have a huge line package of 15 or 20 manufacturers but we believe this makes you a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none.  We want to be the experts in front of the dealer and end user.  Furthermore, with too many lines it is difficult to manage time in front of a customer.  A one hour lunch sales meeting is precious time and needs to be informative and provide high quality training on our products.  If you try to present too much, your audience glazes over and you lose their attention.